Dr. Timothy McCall's Email Newsletter
Past Newsletter Essays
Yoga, Truthiness and the New York Times This article systematically takes apart New York Times writer William Broad's claims that yoga is responsible for hundreds of strokes per year, the emotional linchpin of his yoga-wrecks-your-body arguments. Man Bites Downward Facing Dog I wrote this in response to William Broad's New York Times article, "Wounded Warrior Pose," and its inaccurate claims about the "remarkable" dangers of yoga. Can Yoga Help with Weight Loss? This is an article I wrote for my email newsletter, responding to the assertion in William Broad's book The Science of Yoga that yoga could make you fat! As you've probably already guessed, I don't agree … WhenYour Experience Contradicts What Your Yoga Teacher Tells You… How do you respond when your direct experience on your yoga mat contradicts what your yoga teachers and/or yoga texts say? Sometimes, what's true for them, may not be true for you... Good Yoga Teachers "Read" Bodies Better Than Doctors Do Despite having gone through medical school where I studied human anatomy, did a month-long rotation on the orthopedics service and another month on rheumatology, I had no idea my spine was anything other than normal until I started to attend yoga classes... "The Inhalation Is Heating and The Exhalation Is Cooling." Is This Actually True? How do you respond when your direct experience on your yoga mat contradicts what your yoga teachers and/or yoga texts say? Sometimes, what's true for them, may not be true for you... Landmark Study: Yoga Lowers Health Care Costs Scientific evidence has been mounting suggesting that yoga can help people with a wide variety of health conditions improve their health. Even so, most insurance companies have been reluctant to reimburse for yoga or yoga therapy, because they wanted to see proof that doing so would actually save them money.... |